23 January 2010

Get Off Your Arse Photoshoot

I've probably taken more photographs of 4Networkings Managing Director Brad Burton than anyone else during the last few years.  We had another photoshoot, our first since the release of Brad's "Get Off Your Arse" book last week after a 4Networking meeting in Lincoln.

A photoshoot with Brad is unlike a photoshoot with anyone else.  It's typical Brad, high energy, fast paced but the job gets done.  This shoot was no exception.  Brad knew what he wanted and the shoot from start to finish took no more than 3 minutes.

I'm not talking about Brad just because I get a credit in his book, because I'm his official photographer or because I consider him a mate but also because of the way we really got talking and working together is featured in the book.

It was around 2 years ago, I'd met Brad at a 4N breakfast in Poole, and a few days later he called me to ask how I was doing.

To quote a few lines from his book...

"Normally the response would have been 'Fine', but it went something like this.

'Do you want the truth or the BS'

'Give me the bull.'

'Yeah business is great; I got orders coming in from all angles.'

'The reality?'

'Debtors piling up, no leads, feeling ill, and I don't know where to turn.'"

It just goes to prove that sometimes honestly is the best policy.  A few weeks after the phone call I found myself at the 4Networking headquarters in Taunton photographing Brad, Tim, Terry, Tasmin and Abby.  My work has gone on to feature on the first 3 covers of the their 4Community magazine.

1 comment:

Jules said...

This man is clearly an impostor as he is not carrying a pizza box. Where is the real Brad Burton?